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Using Technology to Connect Logistics Companies with Service Companies in Real Time

What is ResQ TRX

The Company operates in the transportation industry and was created to streamline the process of payment and communications between logistics and services companies. In a word of AI keyword scrubbing, ResQ TRX was created to use technology to insert humanity into the truck driving industry of America. Our system will replace the antiquated approach of direct communication with a modern technology that levels the playing field for everyone in service process and brings more simplification to companies by shortening response time frames, reducing delays in deliveries, bringing transparency to repair rates. The ResQ TRX mobile application brings combination, equality, efficiency, and cost savings to the logistics and service marketplace.

The ResQ TRX mobile platform was designed to solve the following major issues that continue to plague the aging transportation industry. Trucks tend to have more over the road issues than regular cars, including: loss of revenue, higher credit risk, customer attrition, higher repair cost up to 4x over the road, snowball supply chain delays.

How are we Helping the Industry

As small fleet owners, we know how stressful and inconvenient it is when you are stuck on the highway trying to meet delivery deadlines but cannot find a mechanic.

Diesel Mechanic

Reduce repair turnaround

Create additional revenue
opportunities for mechanic
shops without sales and
marketing expenses.

Truck Repair

Increase efficiency for trucking companies to manage OTR repairs


Reduce cost for each OTR repair instance for logistics companies

Both the parties get to rate their experience through rating system.

Quick Response Time

Provide a seamless transaction experience by facilitating payments between the 2 parties.

Track log of all repairs and documentation for the trucking companies and service shops.

End to end customer support for both the parties.

ResQ TRX Vision

Our company was started by a small fleet owner, so we know the challenges drivers face out on the road. Time is money, and you need your truck serviced fast. The ResQ TRX mobile app connects truck drivers with trusted local mechanics and service providers, and allows you to get competitive quotes, monitor the mechanic’s progress, and pay for repairs all from the app

Our Core Team

Telha Ghanchi

Chief Executive Officer

Shahzad Malik

Vice President of Operations

Mery Ramirez

Chief Technology Officer

William Cummings

Chief Revenue Officer

Jack Highberger

Vice President of Strategy and Business Development

Timothy Schmitt

Chief Financial Officer

ResQ TRX Awards

RESQ TRX competed against 100's of startups and App won Code Launch People's Choice Award March 2022.

Want more information? Contact us

Whether you’re a solo truck driver or a giant logistic company, you can’t always rely on your networks to reach everywhere. That’s where we come in. No matter where you are, we’ll always have a mechanic on their way. No wasted efforts on your part, let us get you back on the road!

Billing: 832-917-0968

Contact: 1-833-RESQ-TRX







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